Date: 2019 / Services: Research, Segmentation, Positioning, Purpose & Standard, Architecture, Messaging

What's a female gym?

The growth of the health and wellness industry in Saudi Arabia and the significant behavioral shifts among consumers call for innovation. We can't anticipate members’ expectations without understanding how they think and live. In this time, a business of this kind must be built on relationships.

Kore desired to revisit the brand overall experience and study consumers ability to recognize the value associated with it, compared to the available options. It was known for its focus on CrossFit, however; we wanted it to be a brand for everybody. I performed a research for Kore to uncover what drives behavior or choice, with a focus on attracting members as users not buyers. Then, I established an internal awareness of the service “what's a gym? And what a member is looking for, regardless of the physical abilities nor fitness goals?”




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