Date: 2022 / Services: Positioning, Value proposition, Personality, Messaging, Key audiences, Communication objectives & channels & activities, Creative copywriting, Knowledge transformation

From Data to DataLexing

Started in 2018 to solve a real challenge, DataLexing recognized that organizations waste time and money waiting for reports to be produced. Now you can use a powerful yet easy-to-use tool to explore your data without any technical skills. The main communication challenge for DataLexing was how to come across as credible and trustworthy.

The goal is to become a household name for data analytics in the region. Thus, my work started with finding the ideal positioning for the ambitious startup. I reflected the founders’ vision in the brand experience to find and connect with the early adopters and the early majority; and to inspire the team and attract talents and investors. I created the personality and planned the communication that showcases the value behind DataLexing.


Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources


Alusra Clinics