Date: 2021 / Services: Benchmarking, Competitive analysis, Positioning, Purpose, Brand structure, Brand attributes, Brand personality, Brand voice & tone, Creative copywriting

The ministry of future.

We're experiencing the beginning of a national revolution in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by computing, data, artificial intelligence and global connectivity. MIM is the incubator for the industrial environment in the Kingdom, and the leader in transforming it into a pioneering power.

The ministry's goal is for the industry to be the first choice for investors. The ambition is to build a brand that brings together professionals, attracts investors, inspires citizens; and promotes the future of the industry and mining. After intensive workshops with His Excellency the Minister, his deputies, and the internal teams, I built a flexible strategy that shows the regulatory and legislative role of MIM, and supports its endeavor to be an example for future ministries.


Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

